Walters People have the capability to provide candidates and clients with innovative video interview technology, from live interviews to solo pre-recorded ones which can be created at the candidates' convenience and sent to the client to review, also at their convenience. We can also provide video shortlists alongside supporting documents, such as CVs, test results and portfolios.

If you’re looking to digitalise your onboarding process, or for more information about creating your online live or solo interviews, contact the Walters People teams today.

Live interviews

Conduct live interviews with just one-click. Walters People video technology allows candidates and clients to meet face to face without the need to be in the same room. This feature is particularly useful for conducting and recording first stage interviews, and to ensure control over the hiring process.

Digital CV Passport

Arranging interviews with top talent can be difficult when trying to find a time to suit all parties. Our technology allows candidates to record interviews on a mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet in their own time, answering pre-determined questions you have set. Walters People can then review these interviews afterwards and use it to consolidate the best candidates to submit to for review.

Digital candidate shortlists

Walters People has the capability to create one-click candidate shortlists for our clients to review, without having to log-in to another system. All live and solo interviews our candidates have recorded can be easily shared alongside any supporting documents you require (CV, resume, portfolio, test results etc)

If you’re looking to digitalise your onboarding process, or for more information about creating your online live or solo interviews, contact Walters People today.

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